Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hospital patient expenses rose 2012 basic level picks up small now (graph)

Hospital patient outpatient service and hospitalization expenses are used

Hospital patient outpatient service and hospitalization expenses are used

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Basic level medical treatment defended fee of life form patient 2012

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Basic level medical treatment defended fee of life form patient 2012

In report occupied new netwobrass faucetrk on June 18 national sanitation and message of website of family planning committee, " our country sanitation and family planning enterprise developed statistical bulletin 2012 " (the following abbrthe most popular watch caseseviation " statistical bulletin " ) released a few days ago. Bulletin shows, after basic level medical treatment defended charge of life form patient to drop 2 years afore 2012, rebound, outpatient service of hospital of villages and towns and expenses of be in hospital rise respectively 1.0% with 5.8% . modern dining chairs

Bulletin data shows, 2012, hospital second all outpatient service charge 192.5 yuan, by in those days on price comparing year rise 7.1% , rise by fixed price 4the best selling modern dining chairs.4% ; Hospitalization expenses of average per capita uses 6980.4 yuan, by in those days on price comparing year rise 5.3% , rise by fixed price 2.6% .

2012, expenfree norton internet antivirusses for medicine of hospital outpatient service is occupied 50.3% , than going up year drop 0.2 percent; Expenses for medicine of hospital be in hospital is occupied 41.1% , than going up year drop 0.7 percent. In public hospital, expenses of outpatient service of 3 class hospital rises 4.4%(in those days the price, similarly hereinafter) , under 2 class hospital 2.2 percent; Expenses of be inwatch cases hospital of 3 class hospital rises 2.3% , under 2 class hospital 1.3 percent.

Basic level medical treatment defends respect of charge of medicine of life form patient, 2012, community sanitation service center second all owatch case manufacturerutpatient service charge 84.6 yuan, by in those days on price comparing year rise 3.8% , rise by fixed price 1.2% ; Hospitalization expenses of average per capita uses 2417.9 yuan, by in those days on price comparing year rise 4.4% , rise by fixed price 1.8% .

2012, 69.1% what expenses for medicine of outpatient service of communitnorth face shirtsy sanitation service center takes outpatient service charge, than going up year increase 1.7 percent; 46.5% what expenses for medicine of be in hospital takes charge of be in hospital, than going up year increase 0.7 percent.

Hospital of villages and towns second all outpatient service charge 49.2 yuan, by in those days on price comparing year rise 3.6% , rise by fixed price 1.0% ; Hospitalization expenses of average per capita uses 1140.7 yuan, by in those days on price comparing year rise 8.5% , rise by fixed price 5.8% . Day all hospitalization expenses uses 200.9 yuan, by in those days on price comparing year rise 6.7% , rise by fixed price 4.0% .

54.9% what expenses for medicine of outpatient service of hospring poolspital of villages and towns takes outpatient service charge, than going up year increase 1.7 percent; 48.2% what expenses for medicine of befree watch case in hospital takes charge of be in hospital, than going up year increase 1.4 percent.

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