Sunday, January 15, 2012

Panjiwendi is visited 6 times China strengthen China and U.N. all-around collaboration

Beijing of China News Service on June 18 report (reporter Gu Tianyong) shthe most popular watch casesould Chinese government invites, U.N.Secretary-general Pan Jiwen arrives at Beijing 18 days, the official visit that begins pair of China by a definite date 4 days. Visit to this, pan Jiwen expressed in headquarters of new York U.N. a few days ago, he expects as new as China leader meets, hope U.N. and China are built " bigger, stronger companionate concern " .

Pan Jiwen ever arrived 5 times visit China, it may be saifree watch cased is familiar with very much to China.

brass faucetZhang Xiaoan of vice-chairman of Chinese U.N. association expresses when accepting reporter of China News Service to interview, pan radical Wen Duihua is very friendly, his culture to China very have fun at. Regard U.N. as secretary-general, action of the play in the internationalfree modern dining chairs work that he finishs in U.N. dominant to China also is unusual expect.

Visit this China be layer of new leader of Panjiwen norton internet antivirusand China contact first, also be China new the chief intharrison hot spring weather forecasternational that a government receives organizes leader.

Qu Xing of director of institute of China International problem expresses, of Pan Jiwen visit this China to China all-around diplomatic layout has special and important sense. Invite U.N. secretary-general to come visit of Hua Zheng type, can more perfect China is all-around diplomatic layout.

Zhang Xiaoan thinks, china restores to be in from 1971 U.N. is lawful since the chair, begin to take an active part in U.N. the job of each domains, the collaboration with U.N. is a ceaselmodern dining chairsess development, process that expands ceaselessly. Combining the 3 big pillar of pragmatic Wu especially, namely safe, development and human rights domain, china made outstanding contribution. China takes an active part in the discussion of these general affairs not only, also be in hard inthe best selling modern dining chairs Chinese home at the same time achieving these goals.

According to public program, the peace keeping of department of defense that is located in Beijing still will look around to groom during Pan radical Wen Fanghua center.

To this arrangement, zhang Xiaoan says, since China the best selling watch casesattends U.N. peace keeping to act oneself, expedite the peace keeping personnel of more than 20 thousand person-time to action of 29 U.N. peace keeping early or late, chinorth face shirtsna already became U.N. Security Council the country with maximum number of peace keeping unit is expedited inwatch case manufacturer 5 permanent members. China always insists to settle area dispute with peaceful means, the international environment that builds peace and stability for compose produced main effect. Panjiwenxi hopes to convey the affirmation of success of territory of peace keeping of alive to China bound through this action.

The expert expresses, pan Jiwen is visited this China the topic for discussion is very wide-ranging, peace keeping, energy-saving environmental protection and Korea peninsula wait or will become main topic for discussion, besides, still the problem such as Syria of put up with, Iran, Africa and in just compare notes. This the visit will conduce to those who strengthen China and U.N. is all-around collaboration, promote China the action in U.N. further.

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